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Concert, Releases, Performances......

Veliki akustički spektakl na Ušću!!!

Great acoustic spectacle on Ushcce!!!

by Roj Trešanja


Uz neviđene scenske defekte ,
prostorno ozvučenje na 43 punkta ,
akva park ,
luna park ,
park ,
pijaca ,
berza ,
sojenice , vigvami , bungalovi , VIP i druge lože
besplatno pivo za prvog/u gledatelja/ku .......

Plan i raspored dešavanja :
18.00 - " Roj Trešanja " stiže specijalnim prevozom GSP - a
18.05 - " Roj Trešanja " stiže specijalnim prevozom GSP - a
18.12 - " Roj Trešanja " stiže specijalnim prevozom GSP - a
18.18 - " Roj Trešanja " stiže specijalnim prevozom GSP - a
18.36 - " Roj Trešanja " prelazi " Brankov most " pešice
18,57 - tri minuta do 19č
20.02 - početak koncerta
22.21 - Kraj ( možda...)

With stage unseen defects,
spatial sound at 43 points,
aqua park,
amusement park,
stock market,
dwellings, wigwam, bungalows, VIP and other lodges 
free beer for the first guest .......

Plan and schedule of events:
18:00 - "A Swarm of Cherries" gets special transport GSP
18:05 - "A Swarm of Cherries" gets special transport GSP
18:12 - "A Swarm of Cherries" gets special transport GSP
18:18 - "A Swarm of Cherries" gets special transport GSP
18:36 - "A Swarm of Cherries" exceeds "Branko's Bridge" on foot
18:57 - three minutes to 19h
20:02 - the concert
22:21 - End (Maybe. ...

August 31st, Belgrade Serbia

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